
05-01-13 Cathedral

2013 05-01 Cathedral by Scott Shephard If you were lured to this post because you thought you were going to see a beautiful church, I apologize. But there is something dome-like in these trees that arch over the snow-covered ground and that's what inspired today's title

To be honest, I posted this photo mainly so I could post a link to a short video I made a little bit after I took the picture. So you should watch it.

Where am I? The photo was taken in the "front yard" of our family cabin in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The snow was still falling when I took this and altogether we got between 10 and 12 inches. And it was beautiful. . . The video was filmed with a GoPro Hero 3 stuck to the front of a 4 wheeler. Why is the video black and white? The white balance kept shifting on me. (I'm still learning how to use a GoPro.)

If you go to the YouTube site, you'll be able to watch this is glorious 1080p HD. Look for the gear icon on the bottom right. . .

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04-25-13 Whose Woods These Are . . .

2013 04-25 Who's Woods the Are. . . by Scott Shephard Here's another photo from the snowy walk I made with my friend Dennis N. This was taken a little bit before the one from yesterday. And what stopped me in my tracks were Dennis' tracks.

As with almost all of the photos I took on this outing, this is an HDR photo. I think that HDR is one way to preserve detail in snow, which would normally be fairly non-descript in its pure white form.

The title? It's the first line of Frost's famous poem "Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening":

Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

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04-23-13 After the Snow

2013 04-23 After the Snow 2 A late spring snow storm hit our part of the Black Hills and left 10" of beautiful snow. And so, a friend and I ventured back to Iron Creek to see what things looked liked. As much as I have photographed this spot, I have never photographed it with this much snow. For me, then, it was a rare opportunity.

Hiking along the creek for a half mile was made difficult by the relatively deep snow but ours were the first footsteps along the trail and there was something satisfying about that.

I took quite a few HDR photos but this is one that I'm keeping. Stylistically, it is similar to yesterday's post and I guess that's what I was after. Is is a good photo? I don't know - I have an emotional (and physical) investment in this one right now and so my judgement is clouded. But even if I hadn't gotten a single good photo yesterday, I would have said that my "photo walk" was worth it. As Harry Chapin said, "It's the goin' not the gettin' there that's good."

In the event that you might be interested in joining me this summer in the beautiful Black Hills for my Black Hills Photo Adventure, check it out here.

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03-25-13 Snowy Patterns

2013 03-25 Snowy PatternsAs much as I like green and as much as I get tired of the monotonous tones of winter, I do like rare cases when wet snow falls without much wind. And this photo is what we get when that happens. This photo is a bit of a jumble and seems almost abstract, but I guess that's what I like about it.And if you study this photo closely, you will find that I was paying attention to the rule of thirds. And maybe if you look closely again, you will find the hidden man in the tree???Canon 5DIII 1/1250s f/4.5 ISO320 200mm

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03-11-13 Footprints In the Snow

2013 03-11 Footprints In the SnowBig Foot? Sasquatch? The UPS Man? No. Just me.

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03-09-13 Winter Weather

2013 03-09 Winter WeatherWe console ourselves during snow storms like the one that hit today with the thought that "it will soon melt." The problem with that idea is that all of the other accumulation of snow hasn't yet melted. So when will all the snow be gone? Check back sometime in early April.Should I admit, by the way, that I took this photo with my iPhone as I drove south on Broadway? Probably not. So I won't.

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02-23-13 Minnesota

2013 02-23 MinnesotaI call this Minnesota, as if Minnesota is some how unique when it comes to winter weather. But, of course, it isn't. I just happened to be wandering around our son and daughter-in-law's neighborhood when I found these icicles hanging for a low roof of a garage.

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02-11-13 Classes Cancelled

2013 02-11 Classes CancelledA major winter storm moved through our part of the state, bringing about a foot of snow and high winds. Sadly, classes at Lake Area Technical Institute were cancelled.

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01-05-12 Nuts!

2012 01-05 Nuts!One of my new year's resolutions is to go through old photos that I have on DVDs and see if there is anything worth salvaging. I have found a few, including this one. Though I am also amazed by the number of really bad photos I took with my first high end digital camera (a Canon 1D). It is proof that it isn't the camera that takes the photo. The photographer makes the photo.

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01-04-12 Rural Scene

2012 01-05 Winter SceneSo here's a token winter shot, offered primarily to balance all the tropical photos I've been posting lately. On the day I took this photo it was, as my mother used to say, "Damp cold!" That was as close to swearing as my mom ever got.So you have an idea of what Cheri is referring to. . .Monet Haystacks

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