03-09-13 Winter Weather

2013 03-09 Winter WeatherWe console ourselves during snow storms like the one that hit today with the thought that "it will soon melt." The problem with that idea is that all of the other accumulation of snow hasn't yet melted. So when will all the snow be gone? Check back sometime in early April.Should I admit, by the way, that I took this photo with my iPhone as I drove south on Broadway? Probably not. So I won't.

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A Multitude of Curves and Lines

When I went down to the Codington County courthouse to vote a couple weeks ago, I was reminded of how beautiful a building it was. Thus, I went back last week to take a few photos and this is one of my favorites.Though I like it, I'm thinking that someone else might see it and wonder what this is. Among other things, you are looking at the stained glass dome that covers the central foyer. They don't make public buildings like this any more.

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