
01-16-13 Prairie Home

2012 01-16 Prairie HomeThis is the third photo of the same abandoned farmstead I have posted recently. And having posted this today, I am abandoning the abandoned farm theme. At least for a while.

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12-04-12 Magical (HDR)

Bare tree at sunset by Scott ShephardThis is another HDR photo taken on the same outing as "Back To Lonesome Lake." This one was taken 15 minutes before the Lonesome lake photo. At sunset, a minute or can be significant in the look you get. And, as I think you can see, 15 minutes can be worlds apart as far and the light and cloud cover are concerned.

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06-26-12 Rustic

Every once and a while I go back a year or two in my photo collection to see if there isn't something I've neglected. Given that I take quite a few photos and never throw anything away, "neglect" is a word that is a little too kind for how I treat my old photos.Anyway, here's one that I had considered for submission to a small gallery that decorates the fireplace room in the student center at Lake Area Technical Institute, where I teach photography. I eventually found something I liked better but today I am resurrecting it.As with many of my photos, this one involves strong lines and light, obvious texture and a control of depth of field. A fence post and fencing are mundane subjects in rural South Dakota, but if captured right they can be interesting and evocative.

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Same Old Farm, Different Day

Those familiar with the movie "Shawshank Redemption" know that today's title is a bit of a paraphrase of an observation that Red makes in the movie.This is another HDR photo, and one of the secrets of good landscape HDR photos is good clouds. I got lucky on this particular day.

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