
21.08.22 Point of View

21.08.22 Point of View

Soon we wonder wonder where all the flowers have gone. . . .

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05-19-13 My Neighbor's Tulips II

2013 05-19 My Neighbor's Tulips II by Scott Shephard Well, here they are: my neighbor's purples tulips Water droplets from morning dew or from a spray bottle? I'll never tell.

Canon 5DIII 1/80s f/7.1 ISO400 100mm

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04-18-13 California, Not South Dakota

2013 04-18 California, Not South Dakota by Scott Shephard In case you think I'm finding real beds of flowers popping up through the permafrost of South Dakota, I'm not. But I do have photos of beds of flower, like these, which I found at the Mission at San Juan Capistrano in southern California.

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04-11-13 Aspirations

2013 04-11 Aspirations Regular readers of this blog might have noticed that what I call "A Photo A Day" has recently been "A Photo Once and A While." Quite honestly, I'm fighting through the worst "blogging slump" I've had in four years. I can't say why except that I'm a little jaded right now. I enjoy teaching photography at Lake Area Technical Institute, and I love my students but I am realizing that as much as teaching photography has given me, it also takes something away. I'm not complaining and I'll have plenty of time to recharge in a few short weeks.

I will also admit that I'm a little bored with the dew dappled flower photos I post. But I posting one today, mainly because yet another winter storm has hit South Dakota and I'm looking out my window at at least 8 inches of new snow with more coming down. So my impulse was to find something colorful, and a set of iris photos I took last spring jumped out at me. I hope you like the one I've "developed."

And, before I leave, a word about words. . .

Finding a title for my photos is sometimes hard. And it could be that even my title today is a bit redundant. But I like the word "aspiration," which has the Greek word "spiro" as its root. Spiro means "to breathe." Per-spire literally means "to breathe through." Re-spire means "breathe again." But "aspire," or as in the title, "aspiration", is a little more complicated. I'll take the dictionary definition: an aspiration is "a hope or ambition of achieving something." This iris aspires but probably doesn't know it, especially today as it sleeps beneath a soft blanket of fresh, white snow.

Do I dare say that I am inspired (look that one up!) by what I just wrote. Today I have hopes and ambitions. I hope you do, too.

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11-15-12 Juxtaposition

Purple flower by photographer Scott ShephardThere is no inherent juxtaposition in this photo but if you put yesterday's photo next to this, you will no doubt see a bit of a contrast.

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09-10-12 Purple and Gold

Macro photo of a purple and gold flower by Scott ShephardThis purple and gold flower was a single bloom in a bouquet of cut garden flowers my wife bought at our local famers' market. Amongst all of the flowers in the arrangement, this one jumped out at me. And so, when our back deck was bathed in soft late afternoon light, I took a few photos.When I looked at what I had taken this morning, I noticed that a close view of this flower showed its imperfections. And so I had a dilemma: should I retouch it like I might a human portrait or should I leave it alone?This post is the answer. Aside from the standard corrections I make on many photos (contrast, sharpening, vibrancy, etc.) I left it alone.

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07-10-12 Five

There's something about looking at close-ups of flowers that makes me count. And in this flower, five seems to be the recurring number.

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06-01-12 Flowers For Katie I

Once again a photo found me. I was engaged in the mundane task of putting our garbage receptacle away, when I noticed that the late evening sun was offering perfect, direct light on Deb's beautiful Siberian iris patch, which had just gone into bloom. Knowing that I only had a few minutes of this particular light, I literally ran into the house to get my camera.I took 92 photos of these flowers - I just couldn't help it! Compositionally, this one made the "first cut," in part because I am a slave to the rule of thirds and this photo exemplifies it. I shot this with my Canon 70-200 2.8L lens so I could get very good selective focus. And, I used a tripod.Canon 5DII 1/640s f/2.8 ISO320 200mm

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05-28-12 Window Shopping

This purple fabric in a Lisbon store front was photographed by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott ShephardSo I've gone back to Lisbon this week - at least I've gone back to the photo collection from Lisbon, Portugal. This photo was taken on the run under less than ideal circumstances. What drew me to the window was the beautiful purple tones of this fabric. But I also love the presentation, with all of the lines and curves. It has a bit of a seashell appearance to me. The window captured my attention and I captured it with my Canon 5DII. :-)

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