
01-15-13 At Ease

2013 01-15 At Ease"And now," as Rocky would say, "for something completely different."Yes, the voyeur in me had to capture this scene: a man, sleeping quietly in a Denver, CO, park being watched by a squirrel. And, for my loyal readers, a trivia question: who was Rocky?

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10-28-12 Leafy Roof

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09-13-12 Sitting On A Park Bench

Pine cone on park bench by Scott ShephardI was at a local park with my photo/media students recently (it's a tough job. . . ) and when they wandered off to do their thing, I took my camera out and started to take photos of the same, old things: leaves, trees, tree bark, etc. Then I saw a green, metal park bench and I knew I had found the perfect subject.I liked the color, of course, but I really liked the texture. I took several photos with a wide aperture because I liked the way metal bench looked as it gradually went out of focus in the frame. Finally, I decided the bench wasn't enough and so I put a single, worn pine cone on the bench. And here's the result.Looking for meaning and symbolism? Loneliness? Promise? E pluribus unum? Who knows what I was thinking. . . .(Incidentally, I would be impressed with anyone who saw the title of this post and thought of Jethro Tull's "Aqualung" album from the 1971. Play Me)

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A Day At the Getty

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