25.03.02 Ms. & Mr. Cormorant (La Jolla Cove, CA)

By Scott Shephard

Brandt’s Cormorants - La Jolla Cover, California

If you happen to be in the San Diego area, I would suggest that you visit La Jolla Cove for some wonderful free entertainment. Here you see two nesting cormorants so close to the protective railing you could almost touch them. This is nesting (and mating) season for the birds and, as you can see, this devoted couple has just begun the homemaking process. Is there a bun in the oven? Sorry, but I know next to nothing about the sex life of cormorants.

While there were countless cormorants inhabiting the cliffs at La Jolla, there are also sea lions in the cove as well. I’m not sure I know what they were up to besides fishing, making noise and lounging on the rocks below the cliff these birds inhabit. I will say that unlike democrats and republicans these days, all of the wildlife seemed to get along just fine.

Parking may be a challenge in this location, but its worth the drive.

Canon R5 f/4.5 1/125 sec ISO 100

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