
05-25-13 The Urbane Duck

2013 05-25 The Urbane Duck When the sky began to grow light this morning, I looked out my den window and noticed something that gave me my first laugh of the day - a mallard standing on top of the building across the ally from our house. I quickly ran to get my camera and took several shots of him silhouetted against the sky. I thought he would fly away any second but it turns out there was no rush - an hour later he was still there. Maybe he sleeps up there? A room with a view. . .

This duck moved into our neighborhood this spring and seems to be quite comfortable here. My wife and I (and perhaps even our clawless cat Mac) have adopted a "live and let live" policy. And so has the rest of the neighborhood

The most strking thing about this bird is how cool and calm he seems as he scans the eastern horizon, balanced on one leg. Thus, my post's title: not the "Urban Duck" but the "Urbane Duck." (And how can you not be reminded of aboriginal men who also balance on one leg?)

uluru aboriginal

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02-22-10 Urban Maze - Athens, Greece

For the traveler who has been to western European capitals such as London, Paris, Berlin and Madrid, Athens can be more than a little jarring. It is a little less polished, and a lot more congested than those other capitals. There are 11 million Greeks and 4 million of them live in Athens. Many of them seem to have cars!

But I love Athens, partly because it is so different from other European capitals and partly because if you grow weary of the modern city, all you have to do is step to a location where you can see the Acropolis and the Parthenon. Then you are reminded of the fact that in so many ways - our politics, our aesthetics, our view of human possibilities - Percy Shelly was right: "We are all Greeks."

This photo is a bit misleading in that there are green spaces in Athens. But the uniform color of the city visible here is accurate, though the brightly colored awnings of the many apartments is hard to miss. Another view of Athens and the suburbs A view of the Acropolis and the Parthenon from our hotel

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02-14-10 A Week In Paris: Parallel Parking

I apologize if you've been lured to my blog this week thinking that "A Week In Paris" would offer a series of spectacular views of the great monuments and buildings in this amazing city. Those shots have been posted (more or less). Two of my favorites: Here and Here

While those structures help define Paris, so does this snapshot. This was not a car accident; this was someone making the most out of limited curb side parking. I have see this more than once is my travels to the big cities of Europe. I have even seen cars wedged in on both ends and then, as if things could be made worse, cars parking in a new row along side of the blocked-in cars. I have never driven in Paris and don't think that I want to.

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