21.11.28 Maggie

By Scott Shephard

When she’s not sleeping, Maggie (aka Mary Deb Shephard) is a perpetual motion machine. And given that I am fairly good at taking photos of objects that don’t move (e.g landscapes, flowers and aerial photos of neighborhoods), I’m not so good at photographing moving targets.

But in this case, something gave Maggie a reason to pause. And I was almost in the right place at the right time. I say “almost” because I would have preferred a little better composition. But with Maggie, I take what I get.

Incidentally, I was going to name this portrait “Pensive Maggie” but I’m not sure that toddlers are capable of “deep, serious thought.” But what do I know about the inner workings of a 1-year-old’s intellect?

Canon R5 1/100 sec f/40 3200 ISO

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