By Scott Shephard
I thought I should post one more photo before we turned the page on 2024. And when I thought of favorite, unshared photos of the year, this one came to mind. These three children, dressed as if they just got out of bed (they had), were taken from their home 5 days before this picture was taken and were about to be returned to their parents. No ransom was demanded.
They had survived 5 nights in a 140 square foot dwelling. Two had slept on a table and one on the floor. Of the five nights they spent with their “captors,” two were nights with storm warnings, high wind and heavy rain. But everyone survived with a smile.
Their captors, of course, were their grandparents, who always treated them well and only served the most nutritious food, including S'mores for breakfast.
This was the second camping trip of the summer with the kids (the first for Maggie, the youngest) and I think a good time was had by all. The young ones started school and pre-school a few days later. The grandparents went home to South Dakota. The elders were grateful for this opportunity but also happy to have several months to recover before the 2025 camping season began.
Canon R5 f/4.0 1/160 sec ISO 100