22.02.11 It's Electric!

By Scott Shephard

Given the right place and the right weather, it makes sense to find modes of transportation that are quiet and environmentally friendly. In this case, my good friend BZ and I made a foray to a local grocery store to buy a few essentials on our Lectric e-bikes. BZ’s basket holds hamburger and 2 Starbucks lattes. My basket, among other things, cradles two bottles of tequila. I know what you might be thinking: “Tequila is an essential?” Youbetcha.

We can go 50 miles between a charge on these bikes, and I am grateful for good bike paths. Plus, you do get exercise depending on what modes of pedal assist you use. It’s certainly fun to ride the wave of electric mobility.

iPhone 12 MP 1/900 sec f/1.4 ISO 32

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