Welcome To "The Better Photography" Blog!

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to visit my new blog. Those who know me might know that I have another blog called "A Photo A Day" that I've been publishing for several years. So why am I starting yet another blog? I guess the answer is that as a photography teacher, I spend a considerable amount of time figuring out how to translate what I have learned over the last 30 years into something that makes sense to my students. And a year ago I thought: Why not try to share some of what I know and do with the rest of the world? So a year later, here goes. . .

Yes, there are thousands of other "How-To" photo blogs in the blogoshere and the challenge for me is to offer something that you might not be able to get somewhere else. That's a tall order.

However, I will say that when I started "A Photo A Day" in 2009, I figured that even if no one read it, it would be good for me to do it because it would force me to find my best photos and then, in the process of creating a blog post, analyze the thoughts and techniques that went into the photo. That blog has helped me become a better photographer.

So maybe this blog will do the same for me. But, of course, I'd like to think that this blog will be more about you and the conversation we might have about something we love: photography.

Topics covered in this blog will include:

  • Equipment
  • Composition
  • Software processes
  • The History of Photography
  • And things I haven't even thought of

So come back often. Even better, why not subscribe to my blog?

Scott S.