12-21-12 Betty (Reprise)
12-13-12 Fairy Tale (Reprise)
12-07-12 Morning Stroll
11-25-12 Happiness
11-24-12 Gladly Would He Teach
I have always liked Chaucer's description of Nicholas, the young scholar who stars in one of the many stories Chaucer tells in his Canterbury Tales. About Nicholas he says: "Gladly would he teach and gladly would he learn."That's a good description of my oldest son, Brian, who in this photo is seen giving his second cousin Ethan a lesson in math and English. And Ethan is clearly a willing learner. . .
11-22-12 The Announcement
It isn't broad public knowledge but I guess I'll say it here: Brian and Katie are expecting their first child, which will be our (Deb and me) first grandchild. It's about time!This photo records the moment after the announcement was made. I wish I had Glenyce (far right) framed better because her reaction of joy is especially obvious. This child will not be Glenyce's first great grandchild but I'm guessing it never gets old.
11-19-12 Mother & Daughter
11-12-12 A Special Moment
This isn't the only young DeGeest child that I've photographed while being baptized. Not too many months ago it was Evie. If you checked out Evie's photo, you also saw Ethan (featured in today's post) getting a good view of his sister.
10-27-12 Serenade
09-22-12 Gentle
09-19-12 The Youngest Shep
I don't know what it says about me that I take more pictures of things than I do of people. I don't know the answer to that but I do know that I don't see my youngest son, Jon, enough.This photo was taken near Sitka, Alaska, a few years ago. At the time, Jon was working for an adventure company and we got the royal treatment when we visited. And I liked Sitka, except that it stayed in the 50s the whole time we were there. (July!)