
11-12-09 We Were Much Younger Then. . .

Set the Way-Back machine for 1991. We were visiting Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast. Brian and Jon were mere children then, and we were young adults.

If you have the time, check out this link, where you can hear two points of view about the events surrounding this photo: Cannon Beach VoiceThread (click here).

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11-02-09 Rosey Remembrance

This red rose came from an arrangement for my mom's funeral. We had brought the rose home and as I was walking through the dining room, I noticed that the late afternoon sun was bathing it in strong, angular light. I guess this was a sign for me to photograph the flower.

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10-26-09 The Empty Chair

I believe that this photo was the last photo taken of my mom at home. The empty chair was where my dad, Clarence, sat. Out of habit and respect, family members rarely sat in this chair, though my dad was never possessive about his place in the family room. My mother was happiest at home, but who isn't?

I have been thinking today about the events that bring families together: births, baptisms, graduations, weddings, retirements and eventually funerals. And as long as all those events come in proper sequence, it's all good. It is the circle of life.

And empty chairs are eventually occupied again.

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10-25-09 Remembering Bernice

Of course, to my brother Mike, my sister Barb and me, she was "Mom." I'm sad to say that Mom passed away in the early hours of the morning today (October 25, 2009). Mom was 91 and we had spent the better part of the afternoon yesterday visiting her at the nursing home she lived in. Her passing was quiet, peaceful and appropriate. But I feel pain nonetheless, for I had not expected death to come so quickly.

There's more that I could say but I don't have many words right now. I'll let this photo of a my beautiful mother speak for itself.

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10-24-09 Seeing Red: Going Green

My wife said that when we traded in our sexy Chrysler mini-van, we would buy a Prius. "What's a prius?" I asked. She said that it was a car that got good mileage and ran part of the time on a battery which was charged by its own motor and brakes. "Brilliant," I thought.

So here's our brand new car. Though this photo was taken several years ago, and our car isn't so new anymore. But it is still red. Incidentally, Deb usually gazes at me with adoration but this look says, "Just get this over with - I've got better things to do."

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10-14-09 A Few Members of the Rausch Family

This is a candid shot of a family photo that Brian and Katie's wedding photographers were organizing. That's why no one is looking at me. I love the light and the soft colors in this photo. The light is late afternoon ambient light sifting in through the east windows on the 22nd floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in St. Paul. The people pictured are a few of the many Rausch's that inhabitant our new world. (Thats Katie and Brian in the middle of the group.)

Canon 5DII 1/50s f/5.0 ISO1600 17mm

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10-11-09 The First Dance

It is the day after the Big Event and I am tired but happy. We enjoyed every thing about the day, including Brian and Katie's first dance in their life as a married couple.

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08-09-09 End of the Season

By Scott Shephard

You may have noticed a few photos of "Wandering Star" in this blog. Well, here's another one. There is nothing particularly photogenic about the boat on the trailer, though my wife, Deb, does add significantly. We took the boat off the water this past weekend and it now sits in my driveway waiting for the final clean-up before we store it for the winter. It was a good summer but as people around here are inclined to say in early September: "Where did the time go?"

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08-13-09 Today's Our Anniversary (34th)

How are Deb and I celebrating? I'm in Minnesota at the PGA tournament with my son Brian and Deb's in Sioux Falls. How's that for romance? But she is special and I am lucky. And we will no doubt celebrate our anniversary on Friday. Will I give her an opal, which is the gift you give on your 34th? I doubt it.

Happy anniversary, Deb. You are still beautiful.

(PS: Can you see the shadowy figure reflected in her eyes? He looks alot like this guy.)

Canon 5D 1/320s f/8.0 ISO400 105mm

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07-31-09 Don't Mess With Her!

It would appear that I'm trying to score points with my in-laws in this blog over the last few days. But of all the photos I took in Alaska, this is one of my favorites. When we walked by the cut-out on the streets of Sitka, Alaska, my mother-in-law agreed to pose. But she didn't agree to be the "Picture of the Day." I guessing I'm out of the will. Again.

Canon 5DII 1/60s f/5.6 ISO100 28mm

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07-28-09 Captain Jon

Our son Jon has a way of getting work that allows him to get paid to do things that others might do just for the fun of it. This summer he is in Sitka, Alaska, taking tourists on thrilling (and occasionally bone-jarring) rides in the waters around Sitka. The boat is a high-performance Zodiac-like vessel that Jon says will do 60 mph on smooth water.

In this photo Jon is giving us our instructions before we board the boat. Reassuringly, he tells his passengers that the orange suits they are wearing will keep them afloat if they should fall overboard. No one fell off - not even my 70+ mother-in-law. (And NO, I wasn't wishing she would. I love my mother-in-law. :-) )

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07-22-09 In Concert

Several years ago our oldest son Brian gave a concert and part of his Senior Project at the University of South Dakota. As I was looking for photos to post to this blog, I came across the pictures I had taken for Brian. There wasn't much light in the room other than that lighting the stage. This photo has a gritty look to it - in part because of the black and white process I applied but also because I was shooting at high ISO.

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