21.05.17 Cypress Leaves - Overland Park Arboretum
By Scott Shephard
Lines, shapes, patterns and textures. Viewed up close and in black and white, that’s what’s become of this beautiful cypress tree, one of many in a grove of cypress trees at the Overland Park Arboretum. But how does this make you feel? Good art (including a good photograph) should elicit some kind of emotion, so I’m told.
Am I more a technician and less an artist if I dwell on what I want you to see rather than on what I want you to feel? Don’t answer that. It’s rhetorical. Plus, I’ve learned that what you see and what you might feel are far beyond my control. And that’s OK. It’s a bit of a mystery and is at the heart of the pleasure I take in sharing a photo with you from time to time.
Canon R5 1/40 sec f/5.0 ISO 200