06-28-16 Someone's Watching Me
By Scott Shephard
I was working on taking a few macro photos of moss and lichen on the north side of a small ponderosa pine when I noticed something in the sunlight up the hill from where I was working. I looked up and this is what I saw.
We get fawns, yearlings and mature does close to the cabin because they get cracked corn. But the bucks are rarely in our field of view. They're shy, I guess. Or standoffish.
But this guy stood for a minute or so while I photographed him. Of course, I had the wrong lens but I guess one of the virtues of a high resolution camera is that you can crop about 80% of the frame away and still have something.
After taking 4 or 5 photos, I looked down to check what I had gotten. When I looked up, he was gone. Maybe he'll come again and maybe this time I'll have the right lens. . . .
Canon 5DIII 1/180s f/4.0 ISO400 100mm
Here's the whole frame: