Scott Shephard Photography

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20.11.01 Crossing the Bridge

By Scott Shephard

What are the odds that you would encounter a lone person strolling over one of the two “swinging bridges” in rural Missouri just south of Lake of the Ozarks State Park in Missouri? Well, they’re pretty good if the person walking was coached to look like a lone stroller crossing this bridge. This is Deb, of course, and she played the part well.

There are two so-called swinging bridges on this gravel road that winds through deeply wooded terrain. They are both suspension bridges built back in the 1930s and, apparently, swing a little as you drive over them, though as a passenger in the crossing car, you don’t feel it. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? If you suffer from gephyrophobia (fear of bridges), stay away.

There has been a move afoot for some time to replace these bridges given the low load limit of the aging structures. So, if you are like me and are a gephyrophiliac (lover of bridges) then get here soon.

Canon 5DIII 1/200sec f5  250 ISO