Scott Shephard Photography

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24.02.22 This Is Dubrovnik, Croatia

By Scott Shephard

This photo is the 3rd in my “This Is” series, and while I have several Florida photos that might be worthy of display, I couldn’t resist sharing one from October last year. You are looking at one of the many Dubrovnik cats that are free range but anything but feral. In fact, as you can see here, they are pampered.

Beyond saying that, I will let the photo speak for itself. However, I do have to point out that there are many “public” cats in towns like Dubrovnik and yet the place isn’t over-run by cats. Why? It turns out that most locales have an active neutering program in place. Good for them.

How do we know today’s subject neutered? Take a closer look at his left ear - it has been clipped (along with other parts) and that is the indication that surgery is not required.

Canon R5 f/4.0 1/30 sec ISO 160