05-16-14 The Voice (HDR)
This photo of the central organ case in the apse of the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis is a reprise of a post done on my old blog in 2012. I've decided to share it again because of a request by Chris S, the Basilica organist, to use it in promotional literature. I also wanted to show off the fact that I now know that this is "the central organ case in the apse" of the basilica - thanks to Chris.
I would also like to mention that it is nice to be asked for permission. I suspect that my blog photos are often used in violation of my copyright, which simply asks that my photos not be used for commercial purposes and that some form of attribution be made. Thanks, Chris, for doing the right thing. :-) (And I've never heard this organ speak. Maybe I can get to one of the concerts. I'd love to hear what Paul Simon calls "the angels in the architecture." )
Here's a view of the sanctuary of the basilica. The apse is the area behind alter, seen from and center of this photo.
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You Can Call Me Al ("angels in the architecture")
Canon 5DIII 1.6s f/8.0 ISO400 16mm